Creative Alternative Gallery
Dearest Shosh,
Binyomin & I were terribly saddened to hear about Beni’s passing. Although you had mentioned a number of times that he was sick I really hoped that things would turn around for him. I was encouraged when you mentioned that his pain was alleviated after you consulted with a professor so your e-mail was a shock.
I can only imagine how hard the loss of Beni is for you and your family. In the few times we met it seemed that the two of you had such a special and close relationship. I know that it will not be easy and hope that your children will be around to help you through this difficult time.
Beni was a multi faceted person. He fought for his country yet seemed to be such a gentle soul and a deep thinker. He was talented in so many ways – if I recall correctly he wrote poetry as well as being an incredible artist. I know that painting gave him great pleasure in the second half of his life and his artwork remains as a testament to his talent and the essence of who he was.
I watched the youtube you referred to and had tears in my eyes. I had to laugh though at the section in which Beni was talking about Art Expo and how you motioned to him to go away if there were interested customers. This was how it was — Beni thinking his artwork was not finished or good enough and you working so hard to promote his work to the world. I wonder if he realized how many people he touched with his art and how he made people think.
We always think about you and Beni a’h with fondness. In the 27 years we are in business you were the nicest and most ‘true’ people we ever worked with. I hope that one day we will be able to sit down and spend some time to catch up on each other’s lives.
Binyomin joins me in extending our deepest condolences on your loss. It is tradition to say ‘Hamokem yenachem eschem bitoch shaar Tzion Viyerushalayim’
— May you only know of ‘smachot’ and joy from now on.
Please forgive me for not responding earlier. We signed a lease on March 1 and moved by the 15th into a huge mess. With the rush and the renovation of the new space I barely had time to think let alone open the computer. Our computers are still not up and running at work as we are still closed but I finally checked in at home.
Chavie Blasbalg
Creative Alternative Gallery